Colourful bow ties – the first quilt of Siblings Together Bee 4

17A6357B-E6B3-4001-AE3A-5360F9BF19F8If you’ve read my blog before you will know I support, along with a whole host of other quilters, Siblings Together, a wonderful charity that brings children who are separated from their siblings in care together and then giving them a quilt as a momento. There’s more information  on the tab above.

We had a recruitment drive back in late August initially just to fill gaps in Bee 2 which I coordinate. We had got a bit thin so together  with Nicky Eglinton and Maria Russell who coordinate the collection of quilts and make many, many themselves we came up with an IG recruitment post which got reposted and reposted. Nicky had run a high profile block drive earlier this year and had kept this charity in the eye of the quilters on IG as well as others who support this charity. As a consequence there was a positive wave of enthusiastic volunteers in the wings wanting to volunteer. Well over 30 joined, enough to fill some gaps in Bees 1,2 and 3 as well as create a new Bee 4.

I’m afraid keeping track stretched my somewhat dubious admin skills to the limit. I’m grateful for the couple of volunteers – you know who you are – who gently reminded me I’d left them hanging….

I set the first quilt design. I wanted something straight forward to cut our collective teeth and opted for the bow tie block. They rolled in beautifully made, lovely jewel colours and some darker ones to give it depth. Bee quilts are notorious for size problems with so many different makers involved but this was an absolute doddle to put together as everyone had trimmed to the size requested. Thank you – it makes a big difference and a much more satisfying finish.


Now members of Bee 2 will tell you I’m promptish at completing the quilts but not normally by the end of the following month. But I wanted to get this one under our belts. And a very beautiful one it’s turned out to be. I had the perfect backing echoing the circles on the front


I went with simple quilting to go with the purpose of the quilt. Personally I love the look of straight lines either side of the seam.  I auditioned lots of fabrics for the binding but most prints looked too busy so I went for a solid mid blue in an attempt to pull it together.

On these colder days tucking yourself in a quilt to keep warm despite someone trying to bind it is very hard to resist….  I’m afraid if you think I let her stay you overestimate my kindness!!


The Mama for November is Karen and she has asked for two blocks but different designs.  No colour restraint on this one either so it should, like this one, be a riot of colour. Looking forward to seeing that

Linking up with Lorna Lets Bee Social and Kelly My Quilt Infatuation

And Amanda Jean Crazy Mom Quilts 

This is a finish under FAL Q4

5 thoughts on “Colourful bow ties – the first quilt of Siblings Together Bee 4

  1. Oh my, how could you not let the kitty help you with that binding!?! That look you are getting is one of I know you’re not going to make me move . . . seriously?! What a beautiful quilt and that backing is truly perfect. I love it when quilts come together like that! ~smile~ Roseanne


  2. Pingback: Q4 FAL wrap up and Q1 FAL targets | The Lilac Cat

  3. Pingback: FAL 2017: Q4 Winners - Just Jude Designs - Quilting, Patchwork & Sewing patterns and classes

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